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FTP-account is an account to work via FTP – File Transfer Protocol.

Having an FTP login and password, you can connect to the server and work with your website files (browse, edit, upload and etc.)

One of the most comfortable and popular ways to upload a big amount of data to the server is using FTP.

Creating FTP users

To create an FTP-account go to "Settings" → "FTP" and click "New account"

FTP accounts management in FASTPANEL Add a new FTP account in FASTPANEL

In the opened window, enter desired Login and Password in the corresponding fields.

FTP account settings in FASTPANEL


In the field "Permissions" you can allow a new created user only to browse files without the ability to edit or upload them. In order to do that choose "Read only" option in the "Permissions" field.

In the field "Website" choose the website you are creating an FTP access to. "Home directory" field can be left intact.

To complete your FTP account creating, click "Save". Now you are able to connect to your server via FTP by using the data entered in "Login" and "Password" fields.